

Training for a well-done business plan!

A series of 9 online video tutorials designed to interactively inform and support 50 entrepreneurs from 17 countries!

What was this?

A series of 9 educational videos aimed at training 50 companies around designing a good business plan:
1. How to start the Business Model Canva of your business
2. The importance of the Value proposition for the success of your business
3. Key partners, activities and resources. The relationships and segmentation of your customers. Channels of distribution.
4. Cost analysis and Revenue streams
5. Market research and Selling skills
6. Basic skills: your personal brand, leadership skills and time management
7. The vision, the purpose, the goals and the SWOT analysis
8. Business data analysis & Financial analysis for decision making
9. How to provide people-oriented products and services. The importance of respecting and providing value to your customers.


50 participating companies


17 countries


10 hours


Using modern graphics, and always focusing on interaction and imagination, we designed the series of 9 courses that 50 companies in Europe needed in order to develop their plan of action. The courses were offered to the companies awarded by the European WORTH program.


The holistic approach of the 9 courses followed a logical sequence that helped the 50 companies from all over Europe renew their business plan immediately, quickly and efficiently. The companies enthusiastically took advantage of all the lessons, creating a community of people capable of designing and running any kind of business.