The idea for together was born in Thessaloniki during the pandemic, when us young people – among others – had to redefine our habits and daily lives abruptly, regarding issues such as digital isolation, lack of interpersonal relations and the limited networking opportunities in Thessaloniki. As a team we came face to face with a social phenomenon that we wanted to embrace, understand and approach solutions through the program!
In collaboration with TITAN Cement Group we designed and implemented 3 cycles of a holistic empowerment program, aiming to support young professionals in Thessaloniki through 4 pillars of action:
Networking with organisations
in the city
Strong networking events, aiming to create new cores of action, ideas, start-ups and development opportunities in Thessaloniki’s workforce.
Trainings on professional skills
Educational workshops on professional skills (soft & hard) that are trending globally and also affect the workplace in Thessaloniki.
Work-life balance
Activities to relieve stress from everyday life as a result of living in a high-speed society, with the aim of balancing professional and personal life.
Community empowerment
Initiatives and open events, to empower each member of the community in issues that matter to young professionals.
💡 1st cycle
December 2021 – May 2022
150 professionals from Thessaloniki were chosen and made members of the most innovative community of young professionals in the city! For 5 months they actively participated in hybrid (in-person & virtual) activities aiming to network, work on their wellbeing and develop skills. Highlights to remember: Inspirational talks from successful professionals!
💡 2nd cycle
October 2022 – December 2022
70 more professionals are chosen and added to the biggest community of young professionals in Thessaloniki. 3 months filled with in-person and virtual activities. The aim was professional empowerment, work-life balance and building strong relationships. Highlight: The community’s alumni events that happened for the first time!
💡 3ος κύκλος
April 2023 – June 2023
Another group of 70 young people participated in the program, creating a strong core of young professionals that choose to remain in Thessaloniki. The new members followed the program’s path of personal understanding, team empowerment and networking with other communities. Highlight: The closing event of the program that took place at TITAN Cement Group’s factory!
The holistic approach of designing and implementing the program, lead us to understand what could actually upgrade the lives of young professionals in Thessaloniki and we used the following methodology:
In collaboration with IeraxAnalytics, we conducted a multifaceted audience research through virtual and in-person interviews, questionnaires etc. that helped make the needs of young professionals in Thessaloniki clear.
The digital focus group “We listen to young professionals in Thessaloniki” was created and helped us verify and/or adapt the conclusions of our research.
The innovative factor of “together” was that it incorporated the “Agile” methodology, meaning that every phase of the program was adaptable and could be enriched depending on the feedback of the participants. This process happened through questionnaires and meetings.
During the design and implementation phase of the program, project management and community engagement tools were used aiming for a more organised and effective community management process. Our favourite tools: community canvas, asana and miro.
Co-creation meetings were held involving members that participated in all 3 cycles, giving them a say in the future of the community and meaningful contribution towards the next cycles.
The program’s partners and Community Partners were an important part as they provided their help, “housed” many events and offered meaningful networking opportunities to the members of together.
The entirety of the program and its impact to the ecosystem of Thessaloniki is unique, due to its strong partners and the large community of young professionals that has already benefited from the program and continues to develop.