Regional Coordinators Meeting @ Bosch Alumni Network

What was this?

Robert Bosch Alumni Network invited their Regional Coordinators to a meeting for inspiration, knowledge sharing and designing the next steps.


20 participants


10 countries


3 days


The International Alumni Center (IAC) hosts the Alumni of the Robert Bosch Stiftung Foundation. All the alumni have formed Regional and Cluster groups and from 2019 to 2020, they were experimenting on creating new formats of working groups within this network. In November 2019, the greek team of Regional Coordinators in cooperation with the IAC designed and organized a 3-day meeting. 20 Regional Coordinators from 10 Regions collaborated, discussed important issues, gained insight and reflected on what worked or didn't work during these 18 months.


Almost all network members have founded or are active members of an organization. Youthnest (now among) is one of these organizations whose members are alumni of the Robert Bosch Foundation. Together with Cultopia, Comm'on, Theatre Entropia, The Language Project and one representative of the German Embassy in Greece, we co-worked and co-designed the 3-day meeting. Such synergies are rare not only in the Greek socio-cultural environment but also hard to find in general! Having completed such a successful partnership with various and important NGOs and stakeholders, Youthnest (now among) has established its expertise and network in a very open collaborative process.