Park(ing)day - Re-designing the streets

An interactive intervention in 2 Municipalities of Thessaloniki aiming to disseminate the results of a European program in the society.

What was this?

For the closing event of the REMEDIO Interreg program, we decided to create two interactive events within the concept of "Park(ing) Day”. The REMEDIO Interreg program examined one of the biggest avenues in the city of Thessaloniki and suggested ways to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions due to traffic. In the proposed ways pedestrians, bicycles, buses and automobiles all co-exist in an optimal way. Together with the Major Development Agency Thessaloniki (MDAT S.A.) , we sought the most effective way to promote the results of the REMEDIO Interreg program to the society (impact dissemination) by implementing 2 “Park(ing) Day” together with the Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Municipality of Kalamaria.


500+ visitors


2 Municipalities of Thessaloniki


1 city


The PARK(ing) Day is held every third Friday of September and it is a worldwide event where parking spots are transformed into temporary public parks. It first started in San Francisco in 2005. Urban inhabitants worldwide recognize the need for new approaches to reshaping the urban landscape, and realized that converting small segments of the automobile infrastructure—even temporarily—can alter the character of the city.



Inspired by the Park(ing) Day, we wanted to present the results of the REMEDIO Interreg program, not in the form of a traditional conference model, but in a more interactive way, in order to engage the local habitants and to create an actual change in their neighborhood. In this 2-day event, more than 330 citizens approached the parks we created, asked about the program and how they could support or participate in future similar actions.
