

How to become a carrier of change and the relationship of culture

Is the world changing? Are we changing? A workshop on the role of culture in change

What was this?

Become the change in your region! The "Be a local changemaker" program was a 2-day bootcamp of innovation tools, aiming to offer both theoretical knowledge and practical experience on issues of culture and civilization.


30 participants


2 mentors


2 fulldays


"Be a local Changemaker" focused on strengthening the capacity (capacity building) of young professionals in the field of Culture, providing them with a theoretical basis for their future professional development. The workshop was co-organized by Youthnest (now among) and the Cultural Association of Entrepreneurs of Northern Greece, who also participated actively in the workshop, providing their valuable experience to the participants. The design of the workshop allowed for intense interaction, working in smaller groups and networking participants and speakers with each other.


30 people worked to address the urgent challenge facing the cultural sector, identifying the needs of users (users' needs) that must be met, in order to ensure the sustainability of their initiatives. Through activities such as the world-cafe, the participants expressed and shared all their experiences and creativity, offering some unexpected results.