

Awareness and Preparedness Day for the city of Thessaloniki

An open, participatory event at Nea Paralia, Thessaloniki about the strategy of sustainability and resilience of the Municipality of Thessaloniki

What was this?

The Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Office of Urban Sustainability of the Major Development Agency Thessaloniki (MDAT S.A.), in collaboration with Youthnest (now among), on the 39th anniversary of the earthquake in 1978 organised an event to inform and educate in matters of natural disasters, on Tuesday, June 20, 2017, in Nea Paralia Thessaloniki. The purpose was to strengthen the level of preparedness and response of the city in case of emergency. Key public bodies that are active in cases of natural disasters, and groups of the city presented their work through interactive activities with the citizens.


300 participants


5 hours


1 city game


Utilising participatory processes and interactive actions, we co-organized a holistic afternoon that included mapping, a city game, speeches, information from volunteer groups, environmental games for children, etc.


More than 300 citizens were informed, interacted or participated in the activities of the event. We have created a "safe space" for discussion between residents and public bodies about resilience, with an emphasis on the effective transmission of information.