

Design Thinking as a problem-solving methodology with the cooperation of a pharmaceutical company and 2 NGOs

How do we solve the basic “problem” of an organization cooperatively, quickly and effectively?

What was this?

The "Ethelon" organization approached us to help them design a process, where the Pharmaceutical company "ABBVIE" will practically help 2 non-profit organizations; STEPS in Athens and KMOP in Thessaloniki.


50 participants


2 days


2 organizations in
Thessaloniki and Athens


We created two boot camps adjusted in 1 working day and based on Design Thinking methodology. We educated the employees of all participating organizations regarding the 5 Phases of Design Thinking: Initiate, Empathize and Ideate, Prototype and Test. We worked together with the employees of ABBVIE as well as the team members of the non-profit organizations and went through practical and suitable tools (like interviews, persona, research) in order to identify the organizations’ real needs. At the same time, we ideated using different methods to provide collective support and integrate everyone's expertise to the organizations that trusted us with their need.



Through this workshop, we supported two NGOs in their true need! Sometimes we think we know the problem, but Design Thinking Methodology helps you to take a step back and recognize the real need. By explaining the process and the available free tools, we helped the participants change their mindsets and widen their perspective. This is the impact of such methodologies. This way, experts from relevant fields offer their knowledge for free to the NGOs, while we help them focus on what really matters in order for them to use their resources in a mindful and more practical way.