Workshop about efficient digital trainings and meetings - Digital Facilitation 101

How do we coordinate effective workshops, meetings and training in a chaotic digital world?

What was this?

Responding to the global trend of transferring our daily lives to the digital world, we conducted a 2-day digital workshop in order to train professionals to effectively design and conduct digital meetings and trainings. The workshop's audience was made up of both individuals from the education field (secondary, higher, non-formal education), as well as professionals from corporations and organisations who are required daily to organise meetings with their teams in the digital space.


10 participants


6 hours


3 countries


The core values ​​on which we design our workshops are participation and interaction. We have created a training that takes advantage of the opportunities created by the use of a digital platform, emphasising practical digital tools (eg. miro, mentimeter, sessionlab) and the human factor that we must focus on in the digital world. We shared tips on the features that digital education facilitators should have, based on our long experience, and analyzed each step of planning, coordinating, and feedback a meeting or training in a digital environment.

Digital Facilitating 101


Professionals from AUTh, NGOs, educators, teachers and professionals were trained in all stages of creating digital spaces. The learners now have all the tools available to bring new practices to their teams and create a multiplier effect. As Youthnest (now among) we believe that technology is a creative tool and it is up to all professionals to use it for greater and more immediate results.